Helping you uncover the root issues under the surface to heal from chronic illness

Empowering clients to create a holistic plan

that addresses toxins, nutrient imbalances, energetic and emotional

blocks & other physical/mental stressors

Specializing in 

mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS),

postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS),

& hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (hEDS)

Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS) from mold exposure

& post-acute COVID-19 concerns

Mainstream medicine reveals the tip of the iceberg. We need to dive deep to find the real issues…

Are you tired of being labeled with conditions and being told to take medications to mask the symptoms?

At Origin Wellness, we strive to figure out what may be triggering the dysfunction in the first place so that the body can heal itself.

Discover what may be contributing to…

Chronic Fatigue - Fibromyalgia - Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

Mast Cell Activation Disease - Dyautonomia/POTS

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome - Migraines - Chronic Orthopedic injuries

COVID-19 "long hauler" concerns

Lyme Disease and other Vector-Borne Illness

Gut Dysbiosis - SIBO - GERD - Parasites - IBD - Candida - IBS - Gastroparesis

Chiari malformation - Vagus Nerve and Intracranial Pressure issues

Anxiety - Depression - Autism Spectrum Disorder - ADHD

CIRS from Mold Exposure - Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Thyroid Disease - Insomnia - Asthma - Heart Disease

Hereditary Angioedema - other rare conditions

and much more!

Root Issue Approach


Multiple factors can contribute to a loss of homeostasis in the body, such as environmental toxins, gut dysbiosis and parasites, hormonal imbalances, adrenal and nervous system dysfunction, mold/biotoxins, emotional trauma, nutrient deficiencies, and mitochondrial/ detoxification issues.

Safe & Sound Protocol


The Safe & Sound Protocol (SSP) is a research-based auditory therapy aiming to restore a more balanced and connected degree of autonomic nervous system tone. Amber is a practitioner trained in using the SSP and other types of sound to help facilitate healing.

CranioBiotic technique


CranioBiotic Technique (CBT) is a natural process of evaluation and treatment of bacterial infections, gastrointestinal issues, allergies, and other health stressors that create barriers to healing. A great option for clients who are hesitant to start with supplements.


Customized Nervous System Work


Support for the autonomic nervous system is not "one size fits all." The best results stem from a trauma-informed approach that helps determine what combination of "top-down" and "bottom-up" strategies create safety and what tools facilitate gentle limbic system rewiring.

Mind Body Spirit Release™


MBSR™ is a technique used to tap into the subconscious to help the body bring to the surface and release emotions that may be stuck. This can address systemic emotions, emotions trapped in scar tissue or organs or levels of the spine, impacts of events or places, limiting beliefs, and emotional dis-resonance between individuals.

Tuning Forks & More

Amber has developed a series of exploratory interventions with tuning forks, emotional healing practices and other components that help the system heal from limiting beliefs and desensitize to triggers, foods, and other substances.

Current options to become a new client:

1) Schedule a telehealth initial evaluation. (Keep mind, there may be a 2-6 month wait time.)

2) Begin care with one week in Mexico, then continue via telehealth.

3) Begin care as a part of a virtual group.

Integrative wellness sessions guide and educate clients to be empowered in areas such as:

environmental triggers

toxin reduction


nervous system re-training

movement for optimal health

somatic emotional release

functional medicine testing options

EMF reduction

sleep hygiene

detoxification & lymphatic support



and much more!


About Amber

Amber Walker, PT, DPT, CFMP, CNPT is a Doctor of Physical Therapy who is passionate about a “root of the root issues” approach to healing from chronic illness. Once completely sidelined by the perfect storm of health conditions, she attributes her healing to a combined functional medicine, natural medicine, and energetic approach. Amber has authored several books and a big part of her mission lies in educating others.

As a practitioner, Amber shifted from traditional physical therapy to a focus on wellness to pursue her highest calling to empower others to heal from chronic illness so that they can return to what they love. She has certifications in functional medicine, nutrition, Mind Body Spirit Release™ (MBSR™) and advanced training in CranioBiotic Technique and nervous system retraining. With over 16 years of experience working with patients in the US and abroad, she is particularly passionate about working with patients who have mast cell activation syndrome, biotoxin illness from mold exposure, Covid long-hauler’s concerns, dysautonomia, EDS, hereditary angioedema and chronic mysterious ailments.


"Amber is amazing. Knowledgeable and very experienced. She’s helped me get out of a severely unhealthy spot into a place of stability and understanding of root issues. I’m forever grateful for her care!"

"Amber's knowledge, compassion and perfect mix of evidence-based practice with thinking outside the box has helped me connect the dots with my mast cell activation symptoms and also recover from an acute mold reaction. Amber understands the overlap of multiple symptoms and helps point you in the direction of what you may need to decrease acute symptoms and also long-term changes for health over the long haul. As a physical therapist myself, it takes a lot to trust a practitioner with my wonky symptoms and Amber is a very trusted resource."

"Amber has been a huge resource and support on the journey to wellness for my daughter! I would highly recommend her!"

"Amber is incredibly skilled at muscle testing from afar! She is spot on with what my body needs and is tuned into the next steps of my treatment. She has endless knowledge and a fresh and new skill set she is continuously enhancing and adding to. It’s remarkable to be in different countries, and she is able to tune into my body and connect and discover what it’s needing next. My healing journey really began once working with Amber in the summer of 2020. Here I am, 3 years later, and I’m almost without any symptoms. Just a few left and we will create a plan and move forward, I trust her wholeheartedly. Amber, thank you for saving me from the darkest moments and leading me into the light."

"The emotional clearing was interesting. The muscle testing felt right on. For two weeks the rashes under my arms cleared up. I'd had them for two years."

"I've been seeing functional medicine doctors and naturopathic doctors for nearly 11 years. The mold testing has never come up. My husband said I would have never gotten this kind of info with anyone else."

"I cannot recommend the Cranio Biotic Technique offered by Amber enough. Within just a few sessions, I noticed a remarkable improvement in my long COVID symptoms, something that no other treatment has been able to achieve in three years. I am genuinely surprised and grateful for the positive shift it brought to my body and overall well-being. If you're seeking an effective solution for long COVID, give this technique a chance - you won't be disappointed!"


"Amber's compassion, depth of knowledge, and quality of care are exceptional. As a professional colleague, I am grateful for our ability to collaborate on patient care to improve healthcare outcomes. Amber is truly a leader in providing holistic care for POTS, EDS, and MCAS."

"Amber is truly a caring and thoughtful provider that is excellent at piecing together a health strategy unique to each individual. I would not be where I am today on my health journey without her expertise. I am thankful for her dedication and the resources she brings to the MCAS community and beyond. Highly recommend!"

"My experience with the clearing was absolutely incredible. I definitely felt an emotional shift. I felt a lot of peace. It seemed like a lot of stress and worry was let go of. I also felt I was able to understand where the source of my underlying emotions were coming from. This helped me process a lot."

"My experience with CBT was non-invasive and relaxing, providing peace of mind and body. The literature and knowledge regarding how the body integrates the need to heal itself, in combination with a diet foundational to whole food intake has been very helpful. My energy has increased. My quality of sleep has been better. My ability to exercise without the constraints of fatigue have been a recharging experience. Each area has impacted the others in reciprocal ways and I'm thankful for the progress I'm experiencing."

"Amber incredibly intelligent and caring provider. As a counselor who works with patients with complex chronic illness, it is a relief to know Amber is available to provide her expertise in functional medicine for conditions such as MCAS, POTS & EDS etc. Amber has made a big difference in many lives and I am thankful for providers like her who truly take their time to get to know their patients and provide highly individualized approaches to help patients heal."

"Amber has really helped my loved one through a very difficult and complicated illness. Would highly recommend."

"Muscle testing has been life changing for me. Before, my MCAS was out of control and I was always in a flare. Since muscle testing, I have only had two flare ups over the last eight months."

"After yesterday's session, I noticed this morning that I felt very happy and lighter, so that was great! I also saw some worms for the first time. Big day."

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